Call me grace

I've been so proud of myself b/c we've been training for a 5K in February, and I've been running a good bit. Last week I decided to be super committed and get up before Kevin left for work to go for a run. So at 6:30 I headed out in the dark to run a couple of miles. It was dang cold outside so I was running faster than normal and decided to run right in front of Parkview High School because i knew there would be a long line of teenagers that would motivate me to keep running. So there I was running along at a great pace when the sidewalk jumped up and grabbed my foot forcing me to fall and not only make a total fool of myself, but twist my ankle in the process. Please realize that its about 7am at this point and every high schooler is sitting in their car watching the whole thing unfold. When I realized that there was no hole for me to crawl in and die, i picked myself up and proceeded to limp back home. To add insult to injury, I had three high school students pass me walking to school b/c i was going so slow. Needless to say, I haven't made it back out for the early am run.