How did i get here?

there are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

Monday, February 27, 2006


I seriously think I am going to have an emotional breakdown the day that Mason has to catch a bus and go to real school. He's been going to preschool once a week for a little over a month and I really get a pain in my stomach every time I see him with a backpack on. (Could be that we eat a lot of Mexican food) Seriously though, I just get sick thinking of him becoming a big kid and losing his elmo voice. We had a humerous conversation on Sunday morning while getting ready for church. He came out of the blue with "Mommy when I get bigger I can have a bagina just like you." After explaining to him that he would never have anything but a penis he proceeded to list out everyone we've ever known and ask which one they have. Just having to verbalize that one of your pastors has a penis was just too much for a morning conversation.
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  • At 7:52 PM, Blogger Mother of the Year said…


    I want one of those!

  • At 12:33 AM, Blogger mk said…

    There are some advantages to not being able to understand what you child is saying yet.

  • At 12:49 PM, Blogger Meredith said…

    Amber, I found your blog from Trent and Mary Katherines. Your children are precious! I enjoy reading how things are going!
    Meredith Wyatt


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